****Let’s G.O. HARD!!! It has been said that children are the church of tomorrow. We dare to believe that the spiritual needs, training, and input of our young people are relevant TODAY. Go H.A.R.D., (Holy and Righteous DISCIPLES) is a branch of ministry of Higher Heights Deliverance COGIC that is geared toward youth. The endeavor of this ministry is to train, teach, and unleash the youth for ministry by creating disciples of the Lord who will in turn draw more souls to Christ. Our mission is simple: to encourage young people to first accept Christ as their personal savior, live a life that would be an example of the believer, and Go HARD at winning their friends, family, and community for the Lord. Through immersive, and highly animated Bible teaching, we show how biblical teachings are applicable to our everyday living-even at a young age. Because it is important that our youth understand their value to our church and the entire body of Christ, we constantly maintain supportive relationships with our youth and their value to our church and the entire body of Christ, we constantly maintain supportive relationships with our youth and their parents/guardians by not only promoting church activities, but also staying abreast of each child’s academic growth and support school extracurricular activities such sports games and musical performances. While understanding that Christ desires that we live life abundantly, we don’t skimp on the FUN! Our Holiday parties and youth outings continue to prove to be awesome times of fellowship and laughs! Go HARD ministries range from ages 3-18.
Sunday School 10:00AM
Sunday Worship 11:00AM
Tuesday Prayer 12:00PM
Prayer 7:00PM
Bible Study 7:45PM
Youth Ministry 7:45PM
2 Corinthians 9:7: Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Higher Heights Deliverance COGIC, 2127 California Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104, | Phone: 314.776.2996| gohigher@hhdcogic.org
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