“Spirit-filled”, ”family -oriented”, “Christ-centered”, “vision-driven” and “ministry-minded” are a few phrases the could be used to describe our church. Higher Heights Deliverance COGIC is a church that seeks to minister to families and individuals through a variety of ways that promote spiritual wholeness. Our various ministries provide teaching, guidance, support, and even social uplift to every age.
We are careful to be led of the Holy Spirit while using both traditional and innovative approaches to reach souls for Christ. The charge given to us by Jesus Christ commanding us to go into all nations giving witness to the soul saving power of our risen savior, is one of which we wholly embrace as a cooperate body and in our individual lives. We are beyond grateful that God has chosen us to be a light in our community as we are used by him to spread his love and show a dying world the power of salvation, redemption and hope.
Sunday School 10:00AM
Sunday Worship 11:00AM
Tuesday Prayer 12:00PM
Prayer 7:00PM
Bible Study 7:45PM
Youth Ministry 7:45PM
2 Corinthians 9:7: Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Higher Heights Deliverance COGIC, 2127 California Avenue St. Louis, MO 63104, | Phone: 314.776.2996| gohigher@hhdcogic.org
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